martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012

Conspiracy theories as a detour from real problems

Conspiracy theories as a detour from real problems
by Giancarlo Melini

The Illuminati, The International Banking Cartel, The New World Order, Energy Suppression, Chemtrails, Global Domination, Reptilians, Ancient Civilizations with advanced technology, Genetically Modified Organics, Traceable underskin microchips, etc. All of these theories are constantly being mentioned as the causes of all the world's evils. People devote a lot of time and resources trying to "expose" the ruthless people behind the world domination agendas. Some others say that if we somehow manage to arrest the global elites and remove them from power, humanity will thrive and everything will be fine.Is it true that greedy globalists are constantly holding secret meetings to plan how are they going to enslave humanity and acquire all the earth's resources for themselves? I would say no, not as much as one might think at least. It is obvious that critical thinking is fundamental part of human advancement, and it is healthy to question everything, but we must go beyond mere superficialities into deeper factors that more accurately may be the origin of what we recognize as the root problem of humanity's crisis.

It is normal for people to tend to blame the world's problems on specific groups, persons or entities, but they fail to realize that the root cause of humanity's suffering is the socio-economic system itself. While many lose their time trying to figure out who are the men pulling the strings and what evil plans they might be carrying out, they totally miss that we all are part of a paradigm that makes this world function, and we all benefit and get hindered by the way our civilization is currently conducting its affairs. They also fail to note that people only hold power because everyone surrounding them believes so. If we opened our eyes and refused to participate in this obsolete and destructive system, it would lose its power, and consequently the people whom benefit from it the most.

Those who constantly gain at the expense of others are just behaving in a manner that is rewarded by this obsolete system. If profits can be made at someone else's suffering, It will be done. That's what the system's about. This darwinistic point of view has to be eliminated if we're to survive as a species in the long term. We are all behaving in an aberrant manner and we are not even aware of it. Every time we furiously seek our own advantage regardless of the suffering our actions may cause to others, we are fueling this unstoppable machine that does not have a clear objective, it does not even care about well being, profit is what matters the most. Even the people that are blamed by the conspiracy theorists for humanity’s decay, do what they do driven by the profit incentive. That is what we need to change, our values. The real revolution is an evolution of consciousness.

I believe that conspiracy theories (as accurate they might be) only drag our attention away from the real issues. Once all humanity awakes from this state of ignorance and sees that the way it is conducting its affairs is not sustainable, just and even counter productive for its own survival, we as a species will be able to unite and work together to satisfy every human need without leaving anyone behind. Once we understand that cooperation instead of competition, tolerance instead of discipline, humanism instead of patriotism, and science istead of religion are the way to obtain abundance, sustainability, liberty and hapiness, we will overcome all the problems that are impossible to solve nowadays. Thinking about people who we can blame, only detours us from what really is important: unity and cooperation.

Let us not be kept from obtaining a truly bright future for our species and our whole planet, let us not be held back from prosperity by conspiracy theories that -even if they're real- don't make humanity walk towards a future of fraternity. Instead, let us build our Utopia.

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